
Einstein Space Consulting GmbH
An Einstein Industries Ventures Company
Besselstrasse 13
10969 Berlin
VAT Number: DE360899746
ESA Entity Code: 1000042149
Registered Court Berlin Charlottenburg HRB 249257 B
Nationality Germany

Managing directors authorised to represent the company: Christoph Keese, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hermann​

Responsible for content: Einstein Industries Ventures GmbH (address see above)​

Limitation of liability: The contents of our web pages were created carefully and to the best of our knowledge. Likewise, no guarantee can be given for the topicality, completeness and correctness of all pages. The use of the contents of the website is at the user's own risk. The mere use of the provider's website does not constitute any contractual relationship between the user and the provider. 

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